elected official

美 [ɪˈlektɪd əˈfɪʃl]英 [ɪˈlektɪd əˈfɪʃl]
  • 当选官员
elected officialelected official


official who won the office in a free election


  1. Still , he might not have been the worst possible candidate - as his owner has stated , Bublik would be a completely honest elected official .


  2. After the meeting , Senator Claire McCaskill of Missouri said an investigator had a suspect in mind , someone who often writes to elected official .


  3. I want to be an elected official one day .


  4. That is the right and responsibility of every American and every elected official .


  5. They should limit any elected official from owning stocks in industries they impact .


  6. A resident of a district or member of a group represented by an elected official .


  7. An elected official serving as deputy to the governor of a state of the us .


  8. The mayor is an elected official .


  9. My duty , and the sacred duty of every elected official in this chamber , is to defend Americans ,


  10. But in a departure from previous observances , no elected official will take part in the Ground Zero ceremonies .


  11. Every elected official who represents you , from dog catcher all the way to President of the United States -- they are your concern .


  12. And when you have an evacuation order from a local elected official or a local law enforcement official , you need to understand what 's important to you .


  13. It was named in honor of Seattle City Council member wing luke , the first Asian American elected official in the Pacific northwest .


  14. An elected official of ancient Rome who was responsible for public works and games and who supervised markets , the grain supply , and the water supply .


  15. Whether the mistake is made by an elected official or a trained medical professional , it opens up a necessary discussion about how complicated the processes of death and dying really are .


  16. New Delhi 's top elected official , Sheila Dikshit , who reached the site to oversee rescue operations , said at30 people were still trapped under the rubble .


  17. The hawks say everything an elected official does is news , and the people should be informed as to his moral character from the day the person announces he is running for office ( 1 ) .


  18. Some publicly disputed issues are highly . The issues must be treated carefully , or they will be difficult and painful if an elected official has to deal with them . As difficult and painful as holding a hot potato .


  19. Some publicly disputed issues are highly emotional . The issues must be treated carefully , or they will be difficult and painful if an elected official has to deal with them . As difficult and painful as holding a hot potato .


  20. Finally , after being indicted in connection with a voter fraud investigation in 2009 , Castro agreed to wear a wire for the FBI to gather evidence against other corrupt politicians while performing his duties as an elected official .


  21. The song called " Flying the flag " eventually was elected South Africa 's official World Cup theme song .
